

 上海盈沣元器件有限公司专业代理美国GMH Engineering 全系列产品,原装进口,特价销售,欢迎来电垂询,缑先生021-54252361/

 美国GMH Engineering 传感器,GMH速度传感器,GMH数据采集系统,GMH记录仪,GMH数字记录仪代理


GMH Engineering ,数据采集,数据采集系统与设备,磁性速度传感器 

Delta DRS1000 Non-Contact Speed Sensor

The Delta DRS1000 Non-contact Speed Sensor is a Doppler radar sensor suitable for a wide variety of speed measurement applications like vehicle speed measurement, conveyor speed measurement, traffic monitoring, length or distance measurement, racecar performance tuning, etc.

DataBRICK3 Portable Data Acquisition System

The DataBRICK3 provides reliable, high performance data acquisition in a small, extremely rugged package.

Fifth Wheel

The HFW80 Fifth Wheel is engineered for all types of uses involving vehicle speed and distance measurements. It is accurate, reliable, rugged, and easy to use.

SRO100 Programmable Digital Meter for Frequency Inputs

The SRO100 Programmable Digital Indicator/ Frequency Counter may be used in any application requiring a programmable frequency counter with a scaled output.  The SRO100 also includes a configurable power supply and measurement interface for use with other GMH Engineering products including the Delta DRS1000 Non-Contact Speed Sensor and the HFW80 Fifth Wheel.
