


High Voltage Probes

High voltage measurements have a variety of different requirements, and our PVM series and VD series probes are designed for most of these requirements. The PVM probes are designed for wide bandwidth and ease of portability where a variety of measurements must be made. The VD series probes are designed for use at higher voltage ranges, and where physical stability is required.

PVM series probes with PVM-5 on top and PVM-10 on the bottom

The design of the probes is unique. The probe comes fully adjusted without any requirement to further adjust the probe in the field. Stray capacitances internal to the probe are factory calibrated. Stray capacitances due to proximity effects are minimized by the unique conductor placement.

Low temperature and voltage coefficient resistors and capacitors are used throughout the probe to provide maximum measurement accuracy. The probe has a rugged nylon housing, and it is filled with dielectric oil for maximum high voltage stability.

Our PVM Series probes our available with either 1000:1 or 2000:1 calibration factors at the time of order.

Voltage Probe Specifications

PVM Series Portable High Voltage Probes to 60 kV DC

PVM series high voltage probes are designed for general use, and for exceptional high frequency response. The probes have applications ranging from automotive ignition to excimer laser system measurement to EMI measurement. They are factory calibrated, and they do not require adjustment. In general the probes are for use with 1 Megohm oscilloscopes, but we also offer an optional switch which can compensate for various measurement instruments such as 10 Megohm meters as well. These units are intended for a wide range of applications where portability and ease of use are essential.

Model Number PVM-1 PVM-2 PVM-3 PVM-4 PVM-5 PVM-6 PVM-11 (PVM-10) PVM-12
Max DC/Pulsed V (kV) 40/60 40/60 40/60 40/60 60/100 60/100 10/12 25/30
Max Frequency (Mhz.) 80 80 40 110 80 80 50 80
Cable Impedance (ohms) 50 50 50 93 50 50 50 50
DC - 2 Hz.accuracy <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1%
2 Hz. - 200 Hz. accuracy <1 % <1. % <2. % <1. % <1 % <1 % <1.5 % <1.5 %
200 Hz. - 5 Mhz. accuracy <1.5% <1.5% <3% <1.5% <1.5% <1.5% <2.% <2.%
> 5 Mhz. Accuracy <3% <3% <4% <5% <3% <4% <4% <4%
Input R/C (Megohm/pf) 400/13 400/13 400/10 400/10 400/12 400/12 100(50)/15 300/7
Cable Length (ft./m) 15/4.5 30/9 100/30 15/4.5 15/4.5 30/9 15/4.5 15/4.5
Standard Divider Ratio 1000:1 1000:1 10,000:1 1000:1 1000:1 1000:1 1000:1 (100:1) 1000:1
Length (inches/cm.) 19/47 19/47 19/47 19/47 19/47 19/47 7/18 9/23

Add -2 to any PVM-1 - PVM-6 or PVM-12 part number for 2000:1 ratio

VD Series High Voltage Probes 60 to 300 kV DC

VD series high voltage probes are floor standing high voltage probes which are designed for rugged day in - day out use. They are used in a wide range of applications ranging from television tube manufacturing to radar to advanced particle accelerator applications. Resistors with an extremely low voltage coefficient of resistance are used, and all capacitors are temperature, frequency, and voltage stabilized for the best possible performance. The probes all have field defining toroids as a standard item in order to minimize the proximity effect (stray capacitance) and maximize the reproducibility of the measurement. The high and low frequency calibrations are carefully matched before shipment. Very high frequency cable effects are also carefully compensated so accurate measurements can be made even when the cable length exceeds the pulse duration. No adjustments are necessary once the probes have been factory calibrated.

Model Number VD-60 VD-100 VD-150 VD-200 VD-300 VD-400
Max DC/Pulsed V (kV) 60/120 100/180 150/240 200/300 300/420 400/550
Max Frequency (Mhz.) 20 20 20 16 12 8
Cable Length (ft.) 30 30 30 30 30 30
DC accuracy <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1% <0.1%
10 Hz. - 1 Mhz. Accuracy 1 % 1 % 1 % 2 % 2.5 % 3 %
>1 Mhz Accuracy 3 % 3 % 3 % 3 % 4 % 4 %
Resistance (Megohms) 800 1600 2000 2800 4500 7000
Height (inches/cm.) 20/50 24/60 30/75 40/99 54/135 72/180
Diameter (in/cm.) 11/28 11/28 12/29 16/40 24/61 24/61
Capacitance (approx. pf) 27 25 27 24 20 16
Base Diameter(in/cm.) 10/25 10/25 12/30 20/50 30/76* 30/76
Standard Divider Ratio 10,000:1 10,000:1 10,000:1 10,000:1 10,000:1 10,000:1

Specialty Probes


Upgraded "bare" versions of our probes for space-saving installation into oil (or SF6) tanks are now available. These probes are similar to the VD series probes with somewhat poorer accuracy at a somewhat lower cost. When installing these probes some information about the surrounding areas is required. The length of a VD-120 bare probe (120 kV) is 0.35 m. These units are threaded and can therefore be stacked into higher voltage units. The VD-60 and VD-120 are offered at 60 kV and 120 kV respectively.

Combinations at 180 kV, 240 kV, 300 kV and 360 kV can readily be created. 10,000:1 ratios are typical but other ratios are can be provided. Shielded probes or unshielded probes can be provided.  Typical accuracy is 1 % DC and 1.5 % AC.

Bare probes are designed for use in equipment or in areas where the measurement conditions are well understood, the measurement is primarily DC, or there is not a conductor close by. They are designed with higher capacitance for minimization of stray capacitive effects without the use of shielding toroids. Shielding toroids can also be provided for very precise, built in measurements. The probes are long enough for use in air with appropriate electrodes, and can also be used in oil or SF6 gas. The probes have applications ranging from pulse modulator in-situ measurements to implantation equipment to excimer laser system measurements. They are factory calibrated, and they do not require adjustment when installed. They can be provided for use with various measurement instruments such as 10 Megohm meters and 1 megohm oscilloscopes, and various digitizers. The new rugged encapsulated design allows multiples of the VD-60B and VD-120B basic units to be coupled together for higher voltages.

Model Number VD-60B VD-120B VD-180B VD-240B VD-300B
Max DC/Pulsed V (kV) 60/80 120/160 180/240 240/300 300/360
Max Frequency (Mhz.) 15 15 10 8 6
Cable Impedance (ohms) 50 ohm standard or customer specified
DC - 2 Hz.accuracy <1% <1% <1% <1% <1%
2 Hz. - 200 Hz. accuracy <2 % <2 % <2 % <2 % <3 %
200 Hz. - 1 Mhz. accuracy <2.5 % <2.5 % <3 % <3 % <3.5 %
> 1 Mhz. Accuracy <3 % <3 % <4 % <4 % <5 %
Input R/C (Megohm/pf) 800/38 1600/19 2400/13 3200/9 4000/8
Cable Length (ft./m) 30/9 30/9 30/9 30/9 30/9
Standard Divider Ratio 10,000:1 10,000:1 10,000:1 10,000:1 10,000:1
Length (inches/cm.) 6.9/17.5 12.9/32.8 19.8/60.3 25.8/65.6 32.7/83.1

Part Numbers are VD-xxxB-yy. yy = 10 is the standard 10,000:1 ratio -5 is 5,000:1 -20 is 20,000:1 High frequency accuracy improves if the geometry is well understood or conductors are far away.

View VD-60B/120B Assembly

Bare Probe Manual

High Power Measurements from 1 - 50 Mhz

PVM-12HF, 13.56 Mhz Probe

"RF from 13.56 Mhz sources is applied in a wide variety of industrial situations. We have developed a probe which measures this important voltage source at up to 10 kV. This overcomes the RMS power limitations of standard probes. This probe measures from 100 kHz - 50 Mhz for use with either scopes or meters"



North Star manufactures a pulsed high voltage probe for voltages of up to 1 Megavolt known as the “Megaprobe”. This probe consists of a number of plates which control the electric field configuration and capacitance CHV, and a capacitive tap-off CMID. This probe is “back terminated” in order to avoid reflections.

Maximum 10 us voltage 1 MV Pulsed
Typical droop 1 %/10 usec
Accuracy 3% Typical

Integrators Relays

50 kV High Voltage Relays

By using technology developed for diesel trucks, we have improved the capability of high voltage relays. These relays have conservative, tested ratings and a simple design which makes use of the large "pull-in" distance of the solenoid. Power management features minimize the power draw when on without compromising the force available.The relay is designed for operation in any orientation. Optional microswitches facilitate operation with computer control systems. The relay operates without the annoying "hum" in many relays. These relays are often used in safety circuits, and we can provide engineered systems at competitive prices.


  • 15.5 cm wide X 22.5 cm long X 8 cm deep (Single closure)
  • 15.5 cm wide X 37 cm long X 8 cm deep (Dual closure)

Power Options

100 - 120 VAC; 24 VDC; 24 VAC


1 included standard configurable as NO or NC
