

FVL series

Telecentric bonder lens. Ths lens is a high-resolution, low distortion lens that is suitable fo r image processing systems. This ens uses a new C-mount adapter that allows total adjustment to of camera orientation. Choose from a variety of illumination port styles and magnifications..
Model No. Magnification WD NA F number Camera mount?CCD size
?under 2/3inch
?under 1/2inch
FVL-0.8X-65D 0.8X 65mm 0.04 10.1 PDF Catalogue PDF Catalogue
FVL-1X-65D 1X 0.04 11.5
FVL-2X-65D 2X 0.06 16.3
FVL-3X-65D 3X 0.07 22.2
FVL-4X-65D 4X 0.08 26.2
FVL-5X-65D 5X 0.08 30.2
FVL-0.5X-120D 0.5X 120mm 0.027 9.3 PDF Catalogue PDF Catalogue
FVL-0.75X-120D 0.75X 0.028 13.3
FVL-1X-120D 1X 0.030 16.7
FVL-2X-120D 2X 0.036 32.5
FVL-3X-120D 3X 0.040 36.3
FVL-4X-120D 4X 0.043 43.9
FVL-5X-120D 5X 0.045 52.4
FVL-6X-120D 6X 0.048 62.2

※We also have accesories for telecentric lens, Please seeACCESSORIES

FVL LONG WD series
FVL sereis Telecentric lenses for super-long working distance.

Model No. Magnification WD NA F number CCD size Camera mount PDF 
FVL-0.8X-156D-C 0.8X 156.3mm 0.027 14.8 under 2/3inch Cmount PDF Catalogue
FVL-1X-140D-C 1X 140mm 0.03 16.6
FVL-1X-220D-C 1X 220mm 0.004 12.5
FVL-2X-140D-C 2X 140mm 0.032 32.1
FVL-2X-220D-C 2X 220mm 0.019 53.6
FVL-1.2X-150D-C 1.2X 153mm 0.038 15.7 under 1/3inch
FVL-0.5X-250D-C 0.5X 250mm 0.0223 11.2 under 1/2inch
FVL-0.5X-420D-C 0.5X 420mm 0.014 18.5

RBL/RSL sereis

Model No. Magnification WD NA F number Coaxial Straight CCD size?Camera mount PDF Download
RSL-0.5X-110-C 0.5X 110mm 0.018 0.018 - under 2/3inch PDF Catalogue
RSL-0.75X-110-C 0.75X 110mm 0.022 0.022 -
RSL-1X-70-C 1X 70mm 0.028 0.026 -
RBL-2X-70D-C 2X 0.050 0.050
RBL-3X-70D-C 3X 0.060 0.060
RBL-4X-70D-C 4X 0.073 0.073
RBL-5X-70D-C 5X 0.073 0.073
RBL-6X-70D-C 6X 0.079 0.079
RBL-7X-70D-C 7X 0.079 0.079 -
RBL-8X-70D-C 8X 0.081 0.081 -

Model No, Magnification WD NA F number coaxial straight CCD size?Camera mount PDF Download
RPL-0.5X-110M15.5 0.5X 110mm 0.018 13.9 - under 1/2inch?M15.5P0.5 PDF Catalogue
RPL-0.75X-110M15.5 0.75X 110mm 0.022 16.8 -
RPL-1X-70M15.5 1X 70mm 0.028 17.7 -
RPB-2X-70D-M15.5 2X 0.050 19.7
RPB-3X-70D-M15.5 3X 0.060 24.6
RPB-4X-70D-M15.5 4X 0.073 26.8
RPB-5X-70D-M15.5 5X 0.073 33.3
RPB-6X-70D-M15.5 6X 0.079 36.9
RPB-7X-70D-M15.5 7X 0.079 42.7 -
RPB-8X-70D-M15.5 8X 0.081 48.2 -

RMB/RMP sereis

The RMBl lens is very compact and utilizes coaxial illumination. The RMP lens is also very compact but is only a straight tube lens. In addition , both styles of lenses are lightweight and very narrow , useful for sytems that have very limited space.
Note;0.5X,0.75X and 1X are NOT Telecentric

Model No, Magnification WD NA F number coaxial straight CCD size?Cmount PDF Download
RMP-0.5X-110-M10.5 0.5 110mm 0.017 14.8 - under 1/3inch?M15.5P0.5 PDF Catalogue
RMP-0.75X-110-M10.5 0.75X 110mm 0.022 17.4 -
RMP-1X-70-M10.5 1X 70mm 0.037 13.4 -
RMB-2X-70D-M10.5 2X 0.025 38.3
RMB-3X-70D-M10.5 3X 0.031 47.8
RMB-4X-70D-M10.5 4X 0.042 47.4
RMB-5X-70D-M10.5 5X 0.045 55.8
RMB-6X-70D-M10.5 6X 0.053 558 -
RMB-7X-70D-M10.5 7X 0.065 53.4 -
RMB-8X-70D-M10.5 8X 0.08 49.6 -
※We also have prism for telecentric lens. Please see ACCESSORIES

Telecentric lens compatible with 2~5 mega pixel camera.
Ideal for capturing image in wide field, and alignmenting in high-esolution.
Over 100 mm working distance, enables observation both with incident lighting and coaxial lighting.
Choose from straight type and less coaxial type with high-uniformity.
Model No. Magnification WD NA F number Camera mount CCD size PDF Download
FXL-0.19X-110D-CFES 0.19X 110mm 0.017 6 Cmount under 2/3inch PDF Download
FXL-1X-120D-C 1X 120mm 0.072 7
FXl-2X-100D-C 2X 100mm 0.13 8
SVL series

Telecentric lens for line sensor camera 
Compatible with up to maximum device size of 64mm..
Compatible with coaxial lighting. Ideal for capturing the image of glass substrate , the patters on mirror, and etc.
Also compatible with the variety of camera mounts depending on your camera type..

Model No. Magnification WD NA F number Camera mount Maximum device size PDF Download
SVL-050-TCD64 0.5X 160mm 0.045 5.5 72mm P=0.75 64mm PDF Download
SVL-100-TCD64 1X 135mm 0.087 5.7
SVL-200-TCD64 2X 110mm 0.124 8
Zoom Lens
Compact Zoom Tube Lens series

0.7~4.5X Zoom tube lens
0.37X~2.23X Low magnification tube lens

t provides clear view without darkened corners in all detent positions.
Zoom lens with inner-focus is also available(only 0.7X~4.5X)
Model No. magnification WD NA F number Camera mount/CCD size PDF Download
MSZ-0745-DET(-INF) 0.7X 92mm 0.029 12.8 C mount?1/2inch PDF Download
4.5X 0.069 32.6
MSZ-03722-DET(-INF) 0.37X 195mm 0.04 17.1
2.23X 0.043 37.6

High Magnification Zoom Tube Lens

MS-12Z/AZ Series

HIgh Resolution, High Magnification by Objective lens
Wide Zoom Ration 12X Zoom(0.83x-10x)
Long WD Objective lens
←PDF Download

Model No. MS-12X-L1215 MS-12Z-M2530 MS-12Z-H450
Magnification 1.25~15X 2.5~30X 4.16~50X
Working Distance 46.2mm 35.25mm 14mm
Focal Depth ±305.56~6.88μm ±76.36~±2.12μm ±27.5~±1.36μm
Resolution Power 11.18~1,68μm 5.59~0.93μm 3.36~0.75μm
N.A 0.03~0.2 0.06~0.36 0.1~0.45
Illumination Type Coaxial Illumination
Mount Type C-mount
Weight 1.05kg/1.4kg 1.3kg/1.65kg 1.15kg/1.5kg
Camera and Led are Optional Motorized type available Motorized type available Motorized type available

Zoom Tube Lens series

Zoom, tube lens
Right angle zoom tube lens
2 field of view zoom tube lens
Short zoom tube lens
Zoom ratio is from 0.75X to 4.5X
Model No Magnification WD N.A F number Camera mount ?CCDsize PDF Download
0.75X 90mm 0.029 12.8 Cmount?under2/3inch PDF Download
1X 0.037 13.5
2X 0.056 17.8
3X 0.064 23.4
4X 0.068 29.6
5X 0.069 32.6

Zoom Tube Lens series

Zoom tube lens w/coaxial illumination
Right angle zoom tube lens w/coaxial illumination
Short zoom tube lens w/coaxial illumination
Note:Coaxial illumination under 1.8X is not recommended.
Transmission ring illumination is recommended for 0.75X.
Model No. magnification WD NA F number Camea mount?CCD size PDF Download
0.75X 90mm 0.029 12.8 Cmount?
under 2/3inch
PDF Download
1X 0.037 13.5
2X 0.056 17.8
3X 0.064 23.4
4X 0.068 29.6
5X 0.069 32.6

Coaxial Illumination Type Zoom Tube series

This series is designed for coaxial illumination for 0.75X at low magnification..
Zoom tube lenses are also available for 0.55X-3.6X(with Coaxial iIllumination)
Model No, magnification WD NA, F number Camera mount?CCD size PDF Download
0.75X 46.85mm 0.029 12.8 Cmount?under 2/3 inch PDF Download
1X 0.037 13.5
2X 0.056 17.8
3X 0.064 23.4
4X 0.068 29.6
4.5X 0.069 32.6

Motorized Zoom Tube series

Note:Coaxial illumination under 1.8X is not recommended.
Transmission ring illumination is recommended for 0.75X.
<zooming is controlled by stepper motor>
Model No. magnifocatopm WD NA. F number Camera mount?CCD size PDF Download
0.75X 90mm 0.029 12.8 Cmount?under 2/3inch PDF Download
1X 0.037 13.5
2X 0.056 17.8
3X 0.064 23.4
4X 0.068 29.6
4.5X 0069 32.6

Binocular/Trinocular Zoom series

Both Visible and CCD/TV inspection is available by varying the light path.
Magnification can be varied by the zoom feature.

Model No. magnification WD NA. F number Camera mount?CCD size PDF Download
0.75X MS505/MS506 90mm
MS-525/MS-526 82.5mm
0.029 12.8 Cmount?under 2/3inch PDF Download
1X 0.037 13.5
2X 0.056 17.8
3X 0.064 23.4
4X 0.068 29.6
4.5X 0.069 32.6
※For zoom tube lens accesory, Please have a look at ACCESSORIES.
Objective Lens

M.Plan APO series
High resolution, long working distance, bright field M,Plan AOI objective lens.
Equivalent for PS888 series microscope and MS-200-TWL tube lens.
Model No Magnification WD N.A PDF Download
M.Plan APO 2.5X 2.5X 32.5mm 0.06 PDF Catalogue
M.Plan APO 5XSB 5X 36.1mm 0.16
M.Plan APO 10XSB 10X 38.9mm 0.23
M.Plan APO 20XSB 20X 22.2mm 0.35
M.Plan APO 50XSB 50X 18.3mm 0.40
M.Plan APO 100XSB 100X 14.1mm 0.52

MS-200-TWL  Infinite coaxial tube for 3
wave length

Infinite, compact designed tube lens with f=200 tube lens.
Corrected with YAG laser(wavelength; 355,553,1064nm).
It facilitates high-definition observation with bright field.
Also used as NIR microscope in combination with PEIR APO.
Compatible with upt to 1.1 inch camera .Ideal for equipments such as panel align inspection,,Wafer inspction, laser repair, and etc
,← PDF Catalogue


Bright field super-long working distance objective lens. The focal plane is corrected for bothe Bright Field and Near UV(335nm,) meaning both wavelentgths will be in focus. System is optimized for high transmission at 355nm, such that a microscope fiotted with a yag laser can be used for repair of semiconductor and LCD circuits.

Model No. Magnification WD NA PDF Download
UVPlanAPO 20X 20X 12mm 0.5 PDF Catalogue
UVPlanAPO 50X 50X 10mm 0.5


PE IR PlanAPO lenses focus on a specific range of 800nm-1600nm with long working distance and high resolution. PE IR PlanAPO is precisely color-corrected with 0 focal shift between these two wavelengths.
Available in a 2,5X,20X, and 50X magnifications to suit all your needs.
Note; LCD and Silicon Corrected lens also available.
Model No. Magnification WD NA PDF Download
PE IR PlanAPO 2.5X 2.5X 28mm 0.1 PDF Catalogue
PE IR PlanAPO 20X 20X 12mm 0.5
PE IR PlanAPO 50X 50X 10mm 0.6

Interference objective lens

Double beam interference objective lens, Linnik interference objective lens are available as custom made.
←PDF Catalogue
Finite DM series

Series of Finite objective lense of mechanical tube length of 210mm. Choice of optical Magnification of 5X,20X,35X,40X,50X,100X
Model No. Magnification WD NA PDF Download
DM. 5X 5X 18mm 0.10 PDF Catalogue
DM. 10X 10X 7.5mm 0.25
DM. 20X 20X 2.2mm 0.4
DM. 35X 35X 6.9mm 0.45
DM. 40X 40X 0.6mm 0.65
DM. 50X 50X 0.45mm 0.68
DM.Plan 100XDRY 100X 0.44mm 0.9

Finite LM series

Series of finite objective lens of mechanical tube length of 240mm, working distance is longer than DM series objective lenses.
Model No, Magnification WD NA PDF Download
PLM-3 3X 12.5mm 0.07 PDF Catalogue
LM-5 5X 21mm 0.10
LM-10 10X 12.3mm 0.22
LM-20 20X 12.2mm 0.30
LM-40 40X 6.8mm 0.45
LM-Plan 100XDRY 100X 3.4mm 0.80

High Magnification Tube series
high resolution with choice of objective lens. Light path selectable between direct and camera. Choose from sinvle binocular or trinocular tube options.
←PDF Catalogue

Infinity M,Plan series

Compact tube(Infinity f=180mm)lens with choice of bright field M, Plan objective lenses.
Model.No Magnification WD NA PDF Download
M.Plan10XLWD11 10X 10mm 0.25 PDF Catalogue
M.Plan20XLWD11 20X 10mm 0.42
M.Plan40XLWD11 40X 10mm 0.52
M.Plan10XLCD11 10X 10.8mm 0.25
M.Plan20XLCD11 20X 10.5mm 0.42
M.Plan40XLCD11 40X 10.3mm 0.52

Compact electronic scope

Microscope for f=180mm. Compact designed equipped with motorized turret and motorized focusing system. Suitable for System Integration and for image processing←PDF Catalogue

Super scope microscope

This microscope is a high-power, high-resoluton instrument and is ideal as a probe station for the semiconductor industry and for LCD assembly. The PS-888L features a 3 lens turret which mounts the 1064nm,532nm and 355nm tube lenses,.Additionally, a YAG Laser can be mounted on the PS-888L for semiconductor circuit and LCD substrate repair.←PDF Catalogue
