Flame Ionization Detector (FID) Hydrocarbon Analyzers
Model 10 FID Single Channel, Spot Heated Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Model 10/2 FID Dual Channel, Spot Heated Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Model 20 FID Single Channel, Oven Heated Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Model 20/2 FID Dual Channel, Oven Heated Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Model 200 FID (NMHC) Methane / Non-Methane / Total, Oven Heated Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Model 200/1 FID (NMHC) Methane / Non-Methane, Oven Heated Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Model 210 FID (NMEHC) Methane / Ethane / Non-Methane-Ethane / Total Hydrocarbon Analyzer
Analyzer Components
PTFE Isolated Burner (FID)
Custom Electronics
Dual Stage, Stainless Steel Sample Filter
Custom, Heated Sample Pumps
Digital / Graphical Display
Stainless Steel Solenoid Valves
Heated Oven
PTFE and Stainless Steel Tubing
(NDIR) Non-Dispersive Infrared Analyzers (No longer Available)
- Model 300 - NDIR Single Gas Analyzer
- Model 300/2 - NDIR Dual Gas Analyzer
CEMS - Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems
VIG has designed, built, and assisted in building many Continuous Emissions Monitoring Systems (CEMS) for many different applications. Here are just 10 examples:
System 1 | System 2 | System 3 | System 4 | System 5 | System 6 | System 7 | System 8 | System 9 | System 10 | System 11
Chart Recorders / Data Loggers
Combustion Air Generators / Zero Air Generators
Dilution Systems
Heated Multipoint Sequencers
Liquid / Gas Separators
Temperature Controllers