

  上海盈沣元器件有限公司专业代理销售美国Bristol Instruments波长计,Bristol经济型激光波长计,Bristol高精度激光波长计,Bristol连续激光波长计,Bristol脉冲激光波长计如

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  美国Bristol Instruments公司脱胎于前Burleigh公司,在高精度激光波长计和频谱分析仪方面拥有30多年的生产和研发经验,其产品被广泛应用于科研、光通讯及工业领域。其产品覆盖多个系列,测量波长范围覆盖350nm-11um,其中包括521经济连续激光波长计、621高精度激光波长计、721高精度频谱分析仪、821脉冲激光波长计、228光通讯**高精度波长计。


Bristol Instruments’ wavelength meters provide accurate information for scientists and engineers who need to know the exact wavelength of their lasers. These systems use proven Michelson or Fizeau interferometer-based technology to measure absolute wavelength to a guaranteed accuracy as high as ±0.0001 nm. To achieve the reliable accuracy that is expected from Bristol Instruments, all of its wavelength meters include a built-in wavelength standard for continuous calibration. Systems are available for CW and pulsed lasers that operate at wavelengths from 350 nm to 12 μm. They are used for scientific applications at universities, government laboratories, and industry, and for DWDM testing applications at fiber communication component and system manufacturers.



621 Series
   -  CW lasers, 375 nm - 12 μm

821 Series
   -  Pulsed and CW lasers, 350 - 1700 nm

521 Series
   -  CW lasers, 400 - 1700 nm, low-priced alternative

228 Series
   -  Single-wavelength, CW **s

328 Series
   -  Single-wavelength, CW and modulated **s

428 Series
   -  Multi-wavelength, CW and modulated **s               


The spectrum analyzers from Bristol Instruments provide the most complete wavelength and spectral characterization of CW and high-repetition rate pulsed lasers that operate from 375 nm to 12 μm. These systems combine proven Michelson interferometer-based technology with fast Fourier transform analysis for accurate measurement of absolute wavelength to ±0.0001 nm and high resolution spectral analysis to 2 GHz. As with all products from Bristol Instruments, every measurement is guaranteed by continuous calibration with a built-in wavelength standard. This ensures the most meaningful experimental results for scientific applications and for the most reliable testing of DWDM **s.



721 Series
   -  CW and pulsed lasers, 375 nm - 12 μm                   

428 Series
   -  Multi-wavelength, CW and modulated **s               



Bristol Instruments' optical thickness gauge provides precise thickness information that is critical in the development and production of a variety of materials. These include ophthalmic products such as contact and intraocular lenses, medical products including balloon catheters, stents, bags, and tubing, as well as specialty plastic films, laminates, and flexible packaging. The optical thickness gauge uses the same proven interferometer-based technology that is used in Bristol's laser wavelength meters and laser spectrum analyzers. Absolute thickness from 12 μm to 8 mm is measured to an accuracy of ±0.1 μm and with a repeatability of ±0.05 μm. This performance is guaranteed by continuously referencing to a built-in standard of length, resulting in the reliable accuracy that is expected from Bristol Instruments and is required for the most demanding applications.



Bristol Instruments offers a variety of optical and mechanical accessories that help in the operation of its wavelength meters and spectrum analyzers. These include products such as a series of fiber-optic input adaptors that make it easy to launch a free-space laser beam into fiber.
