美国CELESCO传感器公司全称:Celesco Transducer Products, Inc.目前是世界较大的专业拉绳位移传感器生产商。其技术很*实现:拉绳传感器通过一根高柔性的不锈钢芯同被测物体相连,将直线运动转换成旋转运动。
Celesco Transducer Products is a manufacturer of linear position sensors and rotary position sensors for commercial, industrial and testing applications. Celesco Transducer Products has a history of engineering and manufacturing cable-extension position transducers of the highest quality. Celesco Transducer Products are used in applications ranging from medical equipment, factory machinery, robotic assembly lines to possible flood control projects. Celesco Transducer Products are cost effective and easy to install. |
Celesco Cable-Extension Position Transducers
Celesco Model PT9232
The PT9232 delivers position feedback via RS232 serial communication to your data acquisition or controller system. The PT9232 sends a raw 16-bit count from 0000H to FFFFH. Additionally this device can be set to continuously send data or send data only when polled. |
Celesco Model PT8232
The PT8232 delivers position feedback via RS232 serial communication to your data acquisition or controller system. The PT8232 sends a raw 16-bit count from 0000H to FFFFH. Additionally, this device can be set to continuously send data or send data only when polled. |
Celesco Model PT101
Celesco PT101 Cable Extension Position Transducers are available with full-scale measurement ranges from 2 to 100 inches, providing a voltage feedback ** that is linearly proportional to the position of a traveling stainless steel extension cable. |
Celesco Model PTX101
OEM Application Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco PTX101 is a low cost, compact and easy-to-use cable-extension transducer. |
Celesco Model PTX150
Short To Medium Range Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco PTX150 is a low cost, compact and easy to use encoder based cable-extension transducer. |
Celesco Model PT420
The PT420 is available with full-scale measurement ranges from 2 to 100 inches, providing a 4-20 mA feedback ** that is linearly proportional to the position of a traveling stainless steel extension cable. |
Celesco Model PT510
The PT510 Cable-Extension Transducers provides a regulated 0-10V feedback ** that is linearly proportional to the position of a traveling stainless steel extension cable. |
Celesco Model PT8101
Industrial Cable Extension Transducers Celesco Model PT8101, using a high cycle plastic-hybrid potentiometer, operates with any basic meter or programmable controller in factories and harsh environments requiring linear position measurements in ranges up to 60 inches. |
Celesco Model PT8150
With its incremental optical encoder and industrial design, this Rugged Cable Extension Position Transducer provides the highest accuracy and longest life of any measurement device of its kind. |
Celesco Model PT8420
4-20 mA Output Signal Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco Model PT8420, with its 4-20 mA feedback **, is ideal for monitoring the stroke of a hydraulic cylinder and other applications requiring position data acquisition in harsh environments. |
Celesco Model PT8510
Industrial Grade Cable-Extension Position Transducer Celesco Model PT8510 can operate from an unregulated 14.5 to 40 VDC power supply while providing a regulated output ** over it's full extended range of up to 60". |
Celesco Model PT9101
Medium To Long Range Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco PT9101 is a work-horse for demanding long-range applications requiring a linear position measurements in ranges up to 1700". |
Celesco Model PT9101 Extended Range
Extended Range Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco PT9101 is a work-horse for demanding long-range applications requiring a linear position measurements in ranges up to 1700". |
Celesco Model PT9150
With its incremental optical encoder and industrial design this rugged transducer provides the highest accuracy and longest life of any measurement device of its kind. |
Celesco Model PT9150 Extended Range
Extended Range Cable Extension Transducer Celesco PT9150 is available in a wide variety of resolutions and output stages to fit virtually any requirement. |
Celesco Model PT9301
The Celesco PT9301 is a Combination Position and Velocity Transducer for demanding long-range applications in ranges up to 1700". |
Celesco Model PT9301 Extended Range
Extended Range Combination Position and Velocity Cable Extension Transducer Celesco PT9301 for demanding long-range applications in ranges up to 1700". |
Celesco Model PT9420
Intrinsically Safe Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco PT9420 is a great value for demanding long-range applications requiring a 4-20 mA linear position feedback **. |
Celesco Model PT9420 Extended Range
Extended Range Intrinsically Safe Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco PT9420 is a great value for demanding long-range applications requiring a 4 - 20 mA linear position feedback **. |
Celesco Model PT9510
Cable Extension Transducer Celesco PT9510 can operate from an unregulated 14.5 to 40 VDC power supply while providing a regulated output ** over it's full extended range of up to 1700". |
Celesco Model PT9510 Extended Range
Extended Range Cable Extension Transducer Celesco PT9510 provides a 0 - 10 VDC position feedback ** proportional to the linear movement of it's stainless steel measuring cable. |
Celesco Model PT9600
Our unique linear-to-rotational, industrial-grade measurement module mates to virtually any encoder, giving you a cost-effective long-range linear position measurement solution that precisely fits your requirements. |
Celesco Model PT9600 Extended Range
Extended Range Cable Extension Motion Conversion Module Celesco PT9600 takes just minutes to install, fits easily into tight areas, does not require perfectly parallel alignment, and provides reliable and precise position measurements without needing periodic adjustments. |
Celesco Model PT1232
Compact Cable Extesnion Position Transducer Celesco PT1232 is part of Celesco's compact line of cable-extension transducers. |
Celesco Model PT5232
The PT5232 Industrial Grade Cable Extension Position Transducer delivers positional feedback ** via RS232 or RS485 serial communication. |
Celesco Model PT1A
The PT1A is part of Celesco's compact line of cable-extension transducers. Using a high cycle plastic-hybrid potentiometer, the PT1A provides a precision voltage divider position feedback ** for full-scale measurement ranges from 2 to 50 inches. |
Celesco Model PT1DC
Compact Cable Extension Transducer Celesco PT1DC, provides a regulated 0...5 or 0...10 VDC position feedback over full stroke ranges from 0-2 inches up to 0-50 inches. |
Celesco Model PT1E
The heart of the PT1E Compact Position Transducer is an incremental optical encoder which delivers a quadrature formatted digital pulse train. |
Celesco PT1MA
The Celesco PT1MA 4-20 mA Cable Extension Position Transducer adds 4-20 mA position feedback ** to Celesco's compact line of Cable Extension Position Transducers. |
Celesco Model PT5A
Potentiometric Cable Extension Transducer Celesco PT5A uses a unique thermoplastic cable that has virtually an infinite fatigue life. |
Celesco Model PT5DC
0-10 VDC Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco Model PT5DC uses a unique thermoplastic cable that has virtually an infinite fatigue life. |
Celesco Model PT5E
Encoder Based Cable Extension Position Transducer Celesco Model PT5E uses a unique thermoplastic cable that has virtually an infinite fatigue life. |
Celesco Model PT5MA
Celesco PT5MA Cable Extension Transducer uses a unique thermoplastic cable that has virtually an infinite fatigue life. |
Celesco Model DPT250
The DPT250 Cable Extension Position Transducer offers a highly accurate incremental encoder output ** that can provide both position and velocity information. |
Celesco Mini Series: Model MT2A
The MT2A: A new member to Celesco's family of rugged, accurate Miniature Cable Extension Position Transducer. |
Celesco Model DV301
The Celesco DV301 is a combination Cable Extension Position and Velocity Transducer for full-scale measurement ranges from 2 to 100 inches. |
Celesco Model MTA
The MT-Series is part of Celesco's new Miniature line of Cable Extension Position Transducers. |
Celesco OEM Series: Model A125
Celesco A125 OEM Series Cable Extension Position Transducer is an optical encoder-based compact, flexible and highly accurate position feedback transducer. |
Celesco OEM Series: Model Z115
Celesco Z115 Potenitometric Output OEM Series Cable Extension Position Transducer is a compact, flexible and highly accurate linear position measurement device that can be engineered to OEM applications. |
Celesco Model PT5AV
Position and Velocity Transducer Celeco PT5AV is a combination position and velocity transducer. A precision plastic-hybrid potentiometer provides accurate position feedback while a self-generating DC tachometer provides a velocity ** that is proportional to the speed of the traveling measuring cable. |
Celesco Motion Conversion Module Model PT5600
Our unique linear-to-rotational, industrial-grade Cable Extension Motion Conversion Module mates to virtually any encoder, giving you a cost-effective linear position measurement solution that precisely fits your requirements. |
Celesco Motion Conversion Module Model PT8600
Our unique linear-to-rotational, industrial-grade Cable Extension Motion Conversion Modules mates to virtually any encoder, giving you a cost-effective linear position measurement solution that precisely fits your requirements. |
Celesco Mini-Series: Model MT2E
The MT2E is a new encoder-based member to the family of rugged, accurate miniature cable-extension position transducers. |
Celesco Mini-Series: Model MT3A
The MT3A is the solution for high-acceleration test applications in potentially wet environments. |
Celesco Model PT1DN
The PT1DN communicates to your PLC over DeviceNET? and provides a precision position feedback ** for full-scale measurement ranges from 2 to 50 inches. |
Celesco Model PT5DN
The PT5DN cable extension position transducer communicates linear position via DeviceNET? to your PLC. |
Celesco Model PT8DN
The PT8DN, using a high cycle plastic-hybrid potentiometer, communicates via DeviceNET? protocol with programmable controllers in factories and harsh environments requiring linear position measurements in ranges up to 60 inches. |
Celesco Model PT9DN
The PT9DN communicates via DeviceNET? protocal with programmable controllers in factories and harsh environments requiring linear position measurements in ranges up to 550 inches. |