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OVAL.日本OVAL流量计.日本OVAL椭圆流量计.OVAL双转子流量计.OVAL质量流量计.OVAL涡街流量计.OVAL电磁流量计。厦门市斯维尔进出口有限公司提供原装日本OVAL产品! OVAL的详细介绍 日本OVAL流量计 EX涡街流量计 EX涡街流量计是目前比较先进的流量测量仪表,可用于石油、化工、电力、轻工等部门工业管道中液体、气体和蒸汽流量的测量。 椭圆齿轮流量计 椭圆齿轮流量计属容积式流量测量仪表,可用于石油、化工、医药等部门来计量水或油的流量。 UFⅡ流量计 质量流量计CNHC(ULTRAmass MKLL, ULTRAmassMKLL2流量计) 质量流量计CV(VR mass) Oval(奥巴尔)公司是一个专门从事流量计及与流量系统相关产品制造的公司,公司成立于1949年, 半个世纪以来, 在流体计测和控制的领域中, 始终站在时代的**, 为满足用户多方面的需求, 专心致志, 精益求精地进行产品的开发和生产. 推出的产品在拥有一套完整的流量试验设备的工厂中进行制造, 贯彻实施严格的精度管理, 形成了一个由流量计, 关联产品以及系统所组成的丰富多彩的产品系列, 并拥有完善的售后服务体系. 先后开发出椭圆齿轮流量计、螺旋转子流量计、质量流量计、涡街流量计、气体用超声波流量计、电磁流量计、涡轮流量计、热式质量流量计、装车系统、标定系统及电子计测仪器、流量计校准仪、质量管理计测仪器等外围配套装置。 广泛应用于 油化工, 纺织, 轻工, 制药, 精细化学, 造纸, 水处理, 食品加工, 造船, 汽车制造, 冶金, 电力等领域, 得到了用户的**. EX涡街流量计是目前比较先进的流量测量仪表,可用于石油、化工、电力、轻工等部门工业管道中液体、气体和蒸汽流量的测量。 ◆主要技术参数 公称通径:DN15、25、40、50、80、100、150 被测介质:液体、气体、蒸汽 使用温度范围:-30~+300°C 较高使用压力:5.0MPa 精度:±1% 现场显示并带有4-20mA的标准信号输出 流量范围:液体 (水)0.2-2510m立方/h;气体 (0.2MPa空气) 4-15000m立方/h 蒸汽 (0.5MPa饱和蒸汽)13-46960kg/h 2、椭圆齿轮流量计 椭圆齿轮流量计属容积式流量测量仪表,可用于石油、化工、医药等部门来计量水或油的流量。 ◆主要参数:型号:48、50、52、53、55、56 公称通经:DN20、25、40、50 精度等级:0.5级、0.2级(电子式) 使用温度范围:0~+120°C 较高使用压力:测水 1.4MPa 测油 1.0MPa 介质粘度:0.8-200CP 压力损失: 0.0001-0.022MPa 环境温度:-10°C~+60°C 输出信号:OC门开集电极脉冲信号 3、UFⅡ流量计 UFⅡ流量计采用一对*特齿型的螺旋转子,以等速等流量计测。因此,具有无脉动、低噪间,高精度、高可靠性、流量范围大、寿命长等优点,广泛应用于石油、化工、码头等部门的石油制品的贸易计量和管理控制。仪表有现场型和远传型(电压脉冲),若带电子计数器可4~20mA模拟量输出。 1. 公称通径DN:80、100、150、200、250、300、350、400、450mm 2. 精度:±0.2%,±0.5% 3. 介质粘度:0.3~2000MPa·s 4. 允许温度范围:-5℃~-120℃;特殊可达+200℃ 5. 材质:a本体:铸钢ZG25、b转子:HT250、c轴承:石墨 6. 压力等级:2.0MPa(150RF) 7. 测量范围:6~2800m3/h 4.质量流量计CNHC(ULTRAmass MKLL) ULTRAmassMKLL2流量计是以OVAL多年来的质量流量计技术为基础,凝聚了用户需求的新型通用OVAL质量流量计,它具备“高性能,使用方便、安全性能高”等特点。 ■特长 高精度(显示量的+-0。1%+-零点稳定性误差:液体的场合)。精度高,流程比可达1:200可以用于液体、气体,在广泛的流量范围内,可做到低压损的高精度计量。除了质量流量以外还可以对密度、温度实施高精度计测。液体几乎不残留(垂直配管),清洗方便。由于是不锈钢制或耐蚀镍基合金制,可广泛地用于各种液体。 结构小,重量轻且具备很高的机械强度,使用方便节省上空间,过程安全性好。变换部有与传感器一体形、分离形两种,可根据用途选择。高功能变换部的流量、密度、温度等的显示模式可通过触摸屏轻松实现。因为防爆,在危险场所也可以安心地使用。 5.质量流量计CV(VR mass) VRmass是由二根彩虹管构成,能够直接计量质量流量的较易于操作的质量流量计。通过长年的技术改进而得到的检出工艺与较新的电子技术结合而制造出的,具有很高的性能价格比的质量流量计,在很广泛的领域里可做到高精度计量. ■特长 传感器部是由不锈钢制的双振动管、完全焊在一起构成。带现场显示功能的变换部有标准形的小型变换部( EV9111 )与高功能型变换(EV9201 )、 EV9111 是与传感器一体形, EV9201 是有一体形与分离形两种.显示模式的切换、有模式切换磁石方式( EV9111 )及触摸屏方式( EV9201 ),从外部操作很*。液体存留少,清洗很*。竖直安装时,可做到自洁净。小形化设计,可以节省很多配管空间。因没有可动部分,耐久性优越,操作*。带有作为标准的通信功能。 因为防爆,在危险的场合也可安心使用。
Flowrate is the quantity of fluid passing through a given section of a pipe or the like in a given period of time. We have a wide choice of flowmeters capable of measuring the flowrate under various conditions. Most of our flowmeters are our self-developed products and are ready for quick response through nation-wide sales and service network. We can provide safe and secured flowmeters while having Japan's No. 1 flowmeter calibration facilities.
Positive Displacement Flowmeters Coriolis Flowmeter Vortex Flowmeter Ultrasonic Flowmeter
Electromagnetic Flowmeter Turbine Flowmeter Thermal Mass Flowmeter Control Flowmeter for Energy Saving
In principle, positive displacement flowmeter requires no external energy such as electricity. Flowrate is calculated from the number of revolutions of a rotor(s) activated by the energy of fluid. Generally, positive displacement flowmeter offer high accuracy measurement and is suitable for totaling the flowrate. Accordingly it is used in various kinds of applications including industrial instruments. Especially, since their use was approved for taxable transactions of petroleum products by the National Tax Agency in Japan, positive displacement flowmeters have been assuming a significant role in the field of custody transfer to be certified. To Positive Displacement Flowmeters > |
Coriolis flowmeter is a mass flowmeter to directly and continuously measure the "mass", the only characteristic of fluid that is not affected by the change in temperature, pressure, viscosity, and density of it. Based on a unique principle utilizing Coriolis force, wide range of mass flowrate based system can be configured by detecting the mass flowrate in high accuracy and sensitivity and converting it to analog or frequency output. In addition to general liquids, flowrate of foods, chemicals, slurry, high-density gas, etc. can be measured. A major feature of the Coriolis flowmeter is a complex sensor that can measure temperature and density simultaneously with flowrate. To Coriolis Flowmeter > |
Vortex street occurs alternately and regularly in the right and left under a given condition downstream of an object (delta shape bluff body) placed in the flow. This vortex is called Karman vortex, enabling you to know the flowrate from the frequency caused by. Vortex flowmeter is applicable to liquid, gas, and steam. It has no moving part and features low pressure loss. It is an easy-to-use flowmeter with high durability and repeatability and is widely adopted in various fields including calorie transactions and calorie control. To Vortex Flowmeter > |
There are differences of operating principle in ultrasonic flowmeters. Our ultrasonic flowmeter measures the flowrate from the difference between the propagation times of ultrasonic waves transmitted and received alternately between two transducers A and B. In addition, because it adopts a method based on the inverse of propagation time difference not including sonic speed in the calculation formula, highly accurate and stable flow measurement is possible. The "multipath" model with multiple sensors placed face to face can meet the requirement for higher accuracy. To Ultrasonic Flowmeter > |
The operation of electromagnetic flowmeter is based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction, i.e., when a conductive object (conductor) passes through magnetic field, electromotive force is produced at both ends of the conductor and the magnitude of the electromotive force is related to the volume rate of flow. With an electromagnetic flowmeter, conductive fluid can be measured without being affected by the temperature, pressure, density, viscosity, and/or conductivity of fluid, and flowrate of corrosive fluid can be measured with negligible loss of pressure. To Electromagnetic Flowmeter > |
Turbine flowmeter measures the flowrate from the number of revolutions of a blade placed in the flow. The speed of revolutions of the blade with an axis parallel to the flow direction is proportional to the speed of the flow. Utilizing the capability of highly accurate measurement for wide range of viscosity, the turbine flowmeter is useful for process control, transactions as well as process control of petroleum products, general chemical fluids, liquefied gas, water, etc. To Turbine Flowmeter > |
The sensor unit of a thermal mass flowmeter consists of two sheath pipe-shaped sensors acting as flow speed sensor and temperature sensor, respectively. The flow speed sensor is controlled (heated) to a specified temperature difference from ambient temperature. The heat taken away from the flowrate sensor due to the fluid flow is correlated to the mass flow. Therefore, the mass flowrate can be obtained from the amount of power applied to the flowrate sensor to compensate for the removed heat. Thermal mass flowmeter features wide flow range and enables direct measurement of mass flowrate without compensating temperature and pressure. We have shipped many thermal mass flowmeters for management of energy saving. To Thermal Mass Flowmeter > |
For energy saving, it is important for everyone in a company to take appropriate activities. To Controller Flowmeter for Energy Saving > |