

Series Construction Principle Material Temp. Range Main Application Area
MDN Hermetically sealed, magnetically coupled, absolutely dry run safe centrifugal pumps PVDF +60°C Processes demanding high purity
MPN Hermetically sealed, magnetically coupled centrifugal pumps PP / PVDF +80°C / +95°C Processes demanding high purity
U Centrifugal pumps with a single mechanical seal PVDF +95°C Viscous or solid particle laden media
UP Centrifugal pumps with a single mechanical seal Stainless Steel +150°C Viscous or solid particle laden media, high media temperatures
U-DO Centrifugal pumps with a double mechanical seal PVDF +95°C Media with a minimum lubricating property
UP-DO Centrifugal pumps with a double mechanical seal Stainless Steel +150°C High temperature media with a minimum lubricating property
T Vertical submersible pumps without gaskets, dry run safe PP / PVDF +80°C / +95°C If containers or dipping baths cannot be flange connected to the side
TE Vertical submersible pumps without gaskets, dry run safe Stainless Steel +150°C If containers or dipping baths cannot be flange connected to the side, high media temperatures
S Self-priming centrifugal pumps PP / PVC +50°C Liquid level up to 5 m below the pump
P Hermetically sealed, magnetically coupled impeller-type peripheral pump PVDF +60°C Small volume flows and high pressures
