上海盈沣元器件有限公司专业代理德国Millipore代理,Scepter 2.0细胞仪,Scepter 2.0细胞计数仪,Scepter 2.0细胞计数器,Scepter 2.0手持式细胞计数仪代理
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The Scepter 2.0 handheld automated cell counter provides a fast and convenient method for counting cells and particles and is compatible with both the 40 and 60uM sensor. The system employs the Coulter principle in a miniaturized, handheld, format enabling rapid cell counting; what used to take 10 minutes now takes less than 30 seconds. The user prepares a dilution of the cell culture of interest and uses the Scepter cell counter to aspirate a sample of this dilution into the Scepter sensor.
The Scepter cell counter’s screen displays:
This system is intended for research use only and has been tested with cell types representative of those in use today. Visit /scepter for sample histograms, performance data, a video demonstration, and testimonials.
“A New Window into your Cell Culture”
The Scepter cell counter counts any particle that passes through the orifice within the cell diameter range and will display a histogram of size distribution. Exclude aberrantly large or small cells or debris from the count by manual or automatic gating, to obtain information on the population of interest. Shifts in the histogram may reflect changing culture conditions, and these shifts can be monitored to assess cell culture quality and consistency.
Over its operating range, the Scepter cytometer counts cells more accurately than other automated and manual counting methods (when compared to theoretical cell concentration).
While other automated counters consume bench space and rely on object recognition software, manual focusing, and clumsy loading chambers, the Scepter? cell counter provides true automation without the error that accompanies vision-based systems. Using Coulter principle-based technology for the ultimate in accuracy, the Scepter? cell counter does all the work and delivers reliable cell counts and cell size information in less than 30 seconds. The histogram output reflects heterogeneous cell populations, and you can adjust gating parameters to focus on the cells that interest you most. This system is intended for research use only and has been tested with cell types representative of those in use today.
Cell Health Monitoring, Checking Quality of Cultures, Ensuring Sample-to-Sample Consistency
For more information visit: /scepter