

上海盈沣元器件有限公司专业代理销售美国hudson阀,hudson阀门,hudson液位控制阀, hudson浮球控制阀

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Hudson Valves Flow Chart
Pressure-PSI 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Flow-GPM 1/2" Valve 9.7 13.6 16.7 19.3 21.6 23.6 26.4 27.0 28.9 29.8
Flow-GPM 1" Valve 31.2 44.3 53.8 62.7 69.3 75.9 81.3 86.6 - -

Hudson 1/2" Automatic Liquid Level Control Float Valve # VHTS-1/2 (C) <br>

Valve body is durable glass-filed nylon and the internal parts are of ABS plastic, silicone and stainless steel. 1/2 " FNPT (female pipe thread) Height: 5.0" Diameter: 3.0". Operating Pressure: 8 to 140 PSI Flow Rate: 80% of flow supplied to valve Max Temperature: 150 F. When properly installed the valve meets anti-siphon requirements.

Hudson 1" Automatic Liquid Level Control Float Valve  # VHT (C) <br>

Valve body is durable glass-filed nylon and the internal parts are of ABS plastic, silicone and stainless steel; 1" FNPT (female pipe thread); Height: 5.0" Diameter: 3.75"; Operating Pressure: 8 to 140 PSI Flow Rate: 80% of flow supplied to valve; Max Temperature:150 F; When properly installed the valve meets anti-siphon requirements.
